Embracing an Inclusive Mindset for Students With Disabilities: Do’s and Don’ts from a Leadership Perspective

How do superintendents lead when you have principals, teachers and parents who think some students belong while others do not belong in their school? Schools are one of the only places that create spaces in which students with disabilities are segregated, noted Carol Quirk, founder and director of special projects at the Maryland Coalition […]
[Video] Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (2:56)

A workshop dedicated to learning about how school districts are integrating diversity, equity and Inclusion (DEI) hosted by Lee Teitel. This story was produced by AB Ross at the 2024 National Conference on Education in San Diego, Calif.
New Hampshire Panel Details the School District’s Tack for Countering Opposition to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Work

The AASA conference panel “Introducing, implementing and sustaining DEI in Predominately White School Communities” on Friday afternoon offered advice on how to include more attention to diversity, equity and inclusion in school districts, even in places where there is some opposition to the work. The session was led by three employees of New Hampshire’s School […]
[Video] Interview: Ryan, Mejia and Andreski on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (9:45)

District leaders led interactive conversations surrounding how to implement diversity, equity and inclusion. Watch this in-depth interview with Andres Mejia, Christopher Andriski and David Ryan on implementing DEI in predominantly white school communities. This story was produced by Angelina D’Elia at the 2023 AASA Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Read more.
Superintendents Jointly Advance Work of Diversity, Inclusion in Schools

The AASA conference session “BIPOC and White District Leaders Work on Race and Equity Together” addressed diversity, belonging, inclusion and equity as steps to creating an equitable culture in the workplace and schools. The Thursday morning panel was facilitated by Lee Teitel, founding director at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Darnisa Amante-Jackson, founder/president […]
Bedell Details His Deft Approach to Transitioning as Superintendent During Politically Divisive Times

Mark Bedell, superintendent of Anne Arundel County Public Schools in Annapolis, Md., delivered advice for superintendents transferring into highly politically charged school districts by sharing his journey and recent transition from Kansas City. During Thursday’s conference session, Bedell laid out his plan for navigating the tense political climate in Anne Arundel County. He began his […]
[Video] Paul Freeman on the Challenges of White Superintendents Confronting Racism in School Communities (3:40)

Paul Freeman, superintendent of Connecticut’s Guilford Public Schools, shares best practices on how white superintendents can learn together about the critical issues of race, racism and equity. Freeman led the session “Personal, Professional and Practical Challenges for White Superintendents Confronting Racism” at AASA’s National Conference on Education in Nashville, Tenn. (Video produced by Selah Oden)
[Video] Tammy Campbell Defines Courageous Leadership and Suggests Measures for Expressing It (3:15)

Tammy Campbell, CEO of The Scholar First in Seattle, Wash., and a former superintendent, discusses how district leaders have strategically woven equity throughout their schools’ policies and practices and central-office operations. (Video produced by Selah Oden)
Suburban Oak Park District Details Its Route to Diversifying the Teacher Applicant Pool

Carol Kelley, superintendent of Oak Park Elementary School District 97 in Oak Park, Ill., called for more significant recruitment of racial and ethnic diversity among teachers nationwide at Saturday’s AASA national conference session, “Recruitment and Hiring for Diversity and Equity.”
By Focusing on Cultural Sensitivity, Districts Told They Can Build Better Relationships and Boost Student Achievement
A few years ago, administrators at Virginia Beach City Public Schools in Virginia took a hard a look at why their efforts to connect with students were missing the mark. Just over 86% of the students were graduating.