Conference Daily Online

AASA's award-winning newsletter, providing daily coverage of events, photos and video clips of the conference.

AASA Cohort Graduates Feted in Conference Ceremony

AASA Cohort Graduates Feted in Conference Ceremony

The stars of the show at Thursday evening’s AASA graduation ceremony were a diverse group of superintendents and aspiring superintendents who had completed coursework and projects in cohort programs that sprang to life at AASA over the last five years.

AASA Federal Relations Luncheon: Money Matters

When you tell a room full of more than 40 superintendents that money matters in public education, you would be, what they call, “preaching to the choir.” But when you show school administrators the cyclical effects of revenue at the state and local levels and the impact it has on shaping school funding realities, you have their attention.