Conference Daily Online

AASA's award-winning newsletter, providing daily coverage of events, photos and video clips of the conference.

AASA Cohort Graduates Get a Warm Sendoff at Conference Reception

AASA Cohort Graduates Get a Warm Sendoff at Conference Reception

At a Thursday evening graduation ceremony at the 2020 AASA National Conference on Education, the cohorts of four professional training programs received honors and congratulations. It was a moment to pass the baton from former superintendents to the next generation of leaders. Several former superintendents shared advice about tackling the demands of the superintendency and […]

Is Your District Going Green? Virginia Beach Leaders Offer Tips to Conference Attendees

If school districts want to make sustainability a priority for their students, staff and community, they have to do more than just talk about it. They must change their culture, according to administrators of Virginia Beach City Public Schools in Virginia. “When you talk about environmental practices, you’re going to have eyes on you and […]

Profile of Gustavo Balderas: From Humble Beginnings to a Professional Pinnacle

Gustavo Balderas, superintendent of Eugene Public School District 4J in western Oregon, is not about to get caught up in the “pobrecito syndrome.” That’s the term he uses to describe the “feel-sorry-for-him-or-her” syndrome. “Kids just want to learn, and you need to have high expectations for all kids,” Balderas says. “You need to love them to death, but we need to have a high bar.”

Strategies Shared by Duo for Reducing Absenteeism in Schools

Three superintendents are called up to the front of the AASA conference session. Hedy Chang, the executive director of Attendance Works, informs them that they have become 5 year olds, then tells a story of how certain setbacks, including poor resources and lack of consistent transportation, leads the trio to chronic absences, costing them months […]