AASA’s Governing Board made quick work of its business on Wednesday in New Orleans.
The 95 participating members, representing seven geographic regions, sanctioned the candidacies of three veteran AASA members for the presidential election and approved with minor revisions both the AASA legislative agenda for the year ahead and the association’s Beliefs and Positions Statements.
In addition, the governing body took no action on a possible membership dues increase for FY ’26. The dues measure would have raised active category dues by $13 to $498 a year. The association typically relies on the past year’s cost of living adjustment when making such decisions. The cost of living had increased 2.7 percent.
The board advanced the candidacies of Michael Barnes, LaTonya Goffney and Heather Perry to run for the president-elect position this month.
In the regional breakouts, the members discussed whether to amend AASA positions relating to meeting the needs of all children, safe school facilities and two federal legislative acts, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Executive Director David Schuler delivered a state-of-the-association address that included a preview of his major remarks that will be delivered at the 1st and 2nd General Sessions on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning.
The Governing Board meets twice a year with the second meeting taking place in mid-July.
Gustavo Balderas, AASA’s president in 2024-25 and superintendent in Beaverton, Ore., welcomed the delegates at the outset shortly after 9 a.m. The meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m., making it one of the shortest Governing Board meetings on record.
(Jay Goldman is editor-in-chief of Conference Daily Online and editor of AASA’s School Administrator magazine.)