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A Nation at Hope

Attended a wonderful session this morning in the Knowledge Exchange Theater. 

Timothy Shriver, Sheldon Berman and Gene Wilhoit discussed the important inflection point at which we find ourselves as educators as we recognize the importance, in fact the essential nature, of social and emotional learning in our work. 

Tim Shriver made clear that we are hard wired as human beings to learn socially, and he made the point that as educational leaders we are not choosing between the false dichotomy of academic versus social learning; we are in fact called to recognize the importance of both academic and social learning. 

Sheldon Berman shared his experiences and work as superintendent in Andover Public Schools in Mass., developing a coherent vertical alignment of social and emotional learning opportunities across his district.

Those in attendance received a copy of the new Districtwide SEL Essentials for Superintendents. A Toolkit to Support District Leadership in Systemic Implementation of Social and Emotional Learning, developed collaboratively by CASEL and AASA.

The new Toolkit.

A great start to what is sure to be an inspiring few days.

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