Conference Daily Online

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Do you remember the old ketchup commercial with the Carly Simon song Anticipation playing in the background? That company reminded us that you have to wait a little longer to get to the really good stuff…but it is worth it. I was thinking about that commercial and that song as I prepare to travel to Nashville this week for the 2022 AASA national conference. I am anticipating that this year’s conference will be even more special because we are able to gather in-person to learn together, grow together, and laugh together. Anticipation!

I am especially excited to attend this year’s event because of the focus on student-centeredness and equity. AASA president, and my friend, Dr. Paul Imhoff, has steadfastly reminded all of us that each student in our nation deserves a high-quality education. Student-centered and equitable opportunities are critical for the students that we serve. It’s also a professional and ethical responsibility for all of us as educational leaders.

I am proud to be part of an organization that keeps students at the center. I am proud to be part of a professional network of educators that never forgets that we chose to be servants to our students and communities. And I am anticipating a great conference in Nashville – one that we have been waiting for since February 2020. It has taken a little longer to get back together, but as the commercial taught us, sometimes you have to wait a little longer for the really good stuff.

See you in Nashville!

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