I attended several sessions again today. I was particularly enamoured with a couple of them — a ‘Part 2' from yesterday's session on AI in education and a session that related to a budding curiousity of mine — should I consider writing a book?
AI in Schools: Bridging Policy, Innovation Practices and Measuring Impact for Districts (Part 2)
This session continued yesterday's conversation about how AI can (and should) be considered within our K-12 schools. There were a couple of panelists from yesterday's session but also some new folks who added some intriguing perspectives. What I really appreciated was the entire panel's breadth of complementary knowledge and skills on AI. Yet, they all readily admitted that their own knowledge is continuing to grow — a somewhat reassuring posture for those like me are trying just to catch up with what's been unfolding over the past year.
Their summative advice? Don't sit still — do something — anything to increase your knowledge and the knowledge of those in our districts. It could be holding a ‘lunch and learn' meeting, attending sessions like these or doing your own research. And, equally as important, provide that safe, learning space for your teachers to try some of the tools that are out there.
You know, that ‘safe' learning space is good advice for our systems for just about anything that we want to try — an emotionally safe space as well as a physically safe space

How to Take That Book Inside Your Head and Get It Published
I chose this session with a somewhat selfish motivation. I have a few ideas bouncing around in my head about potential book ideas. This session helped to fill in some of the blanks about what it takes to get started, find a publisher and also overcome the inevitable ‘imposter syndrome' feelings. I loved the brutal honesty from the four superintendent authors on the panel. They each had their own fears and hesitations, offering some salient advice on how they got started and what it took to complete their book(s).
While I'm still not sure that I'll write a book, they provided me with a blueprint for how I might get started. So, we shall see … stay tuned!
My Big Take Away Today
Lots of great conversations again today, but the big impression for me was the fact that my colleagues are all taking risks to improve themselves and their districts. They all talked about feeling insecure at times, but they stayed focused on finding a path forward.
And, what a great message to be sending our school district communities — that their leader values learning so much, they are willing to put themselves out there to do so.
Love this conference!