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Excited About the Upcoming Conference

I’m excited to be attending the 2021 AASA National Conference on Education. This conference is packed full of opportunities to be inspired by great speakers and practitioners as well as opportunities to network and interact with other superintendents.  I personally look forward to hearing from one of the keynote speakers, George Couros, as he shares about connecting with people first in order to bring about meaningful and innovative change.

There are three learning tracks offered during the two-day conference, Social Emotional Learning, Equity, and School Reopening/Digital learning.  I want to focus my learning during the live sessions on the Equity track.  However, I’m so glad that the content of the other learning tracks will be available for attendees through December 2021.  There are many sessions I wish to engage in from the other two tracks, so I will take advantage of logging in and listening to those topics I missed.

I just read, in the conference brochure, about the Networking Ed Chats, which will allow leaders to connect with colleagues in small groups to discuss a topic of interest.  The chats that focus on personalized learning are ones that I hope to join. However, I’ve often thought about writing a book, so that might be a session I might join as well.

I’ve tried to attend conferences while still “working” and I have found this type of multi-tasking isn’t effective for re-energizing and reconnecting with colleagues.  In order to take full advantage of this conference, including visiting the exhibit booths, I will strive to do what conference leaders suggest for a successful experience, Turn on the “Out of Office”, Minimize Distractions, and Engage! I want to add one more tip, Enjoy! 🙂

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