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Looking Ahead to Exhibit Hall with Vendors, Social Media Lounge and Roundtables

Booths in exhibit hall
Booths at the 2022 National Conference on Education exhibit hall.

The exhibit hall at AASA’s National Conference on Education in San Antonio will be home to Thought Leader sessions, the social media lounge and 336 exhibitors showcasing various products and services related to K-12 education.

Participants at the conference will find many ways to fill their time inside the hall. The Knowledge Exchange Theater will host several Thought Leader sessions on Thursday and Friday, roundtable sessions will discuss relevant topics to education today and School of the Future will host 20- to 25-minute sessions for exhibitors to talk with attendees.

The number of commercial exhibitors is the most in many years of the AASA conference.

Vendors will be available to discuss their offerings with booths focusing on professional development, technology solutions, curriculum for students, behavioral and mental health service and more.

At the social media lounge, conference attendees can meet with AASA staff and network with peers, ask questions about their tech use and sit in on sessions about using social media in their districts. A connectivity lounge, sponsored by AT&T, will be available for charging devices.

The AASA Health & Wellness Center, a place for busy participants to slow down and de-stress, will operate for the second year. The annual Blessings in a Backpack event will take place in the exhibit hall.

Located on level 1 to the left of the conference registration area, the exhibit hall will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 16, and 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 17.

(Jacqueline Hyman is managing editor of Conference Daily Online and senior editorial assistant of AASA’s School Administrator magazine.)

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