Conference Daily Online

AASA's award-winning newsletter, providing daily coverage of events, photos and video clips of the conference.

First Impressions…

I finally made it to Nashville and have had a chance to experience the AASA NCE 2022 Conference! In one word, it is overwhelming. However, in a very good way! There is no possibility that anyone can attend this conference and not learn something new, not find a great network to connect with afterward, and not be reinvigorated to serve their community as a superintendent. To say that there are learning sessions in abundance is an understatement. Adding to the sessions are the round tables where folks can simply sit and dialogue about topics that are important or critical for them. In a short time, I was able to re-connect with our friends and partners at Audio Enhancement, who provide some of the best instructional technologies for classrooms and schools that you can find. In just a few moments, I look forward to sitting in on a session led by Apptegy regarding staff recruitment and retention. Finally, the day will conclude with listening to Secretary Cardona. Things are off to a great start here in Nashville and I continue to look forward to what happens next!! #NCE2022

Learning never exhausts the mind.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

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