One of the country’s oldest public education support groups, the Horace Mann League, will install its officers for 2021 at a virtual annual meeting at 2 p.m. ET Friday.
The league traditionally holds its annual installation and awards luncheon concurrently with the AASA national conference at one of the principal conference hotels. Its plans, along with those of AASA, have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Anyone interested in accessing the HML’s annual meeting can register ahead at no charge at http://evite.me/jZYkFuRSMT. The meeting’s Zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85027875625
Slated for installation at officers for the new year are the following:
- President: James Harvey, executive director of the National Superintendents Roundtable
- President-elect: Ruben Alejandro, educational consultant and former superintendent, Weslaco, Texas
- Vice President: Brent Clark, executive director, Illinois Association of School Administrators
- Past President: Lisa Parady, executive director, Alaska Council of School Administrators
Three school leaders are joining the HML board:
- Beth Houf, middle school principal, Fulton, Mo.
- Carla Santorno, superintendent, Tacoma, Wash.
- Jeanne Collins, superintendent, Brandon, Vt.
Three board members will be reappointed:
- Linda Darling Hammond, professor of education, Stanford University
- Martin Brooks, executive director, Tri-State Education Consortium, N.Y.
- Talisa Dixon, superintendent, Columbus, Ohio
Jack McKay is the longtime executive director of the Horace Mann League of the USA. He is based in Ellensburg, Wash. Learn about the league at www.hmleague.org.