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Lemonade and Sunflowers!

What a great opening day of our conference! I had high expectations, and I must say they were all met! Engaging learning sessions, great speakers, high quality vendors, celebrations of service and messages of hope…all were packed into just one day of NCE 2023 in San Antonio! Here are some images from the day…

My quick learning from the day:

  • Communicate the what, why and how behind decisions when possible.
  • Public education belongs to our families and communities.
  • Make sure the right partners are at the table to get the work done.
  • Workforce challenges need to be addressed through structural systems changes (from educator prep to workplace environments) – we can't “tweak” our way out of this one!
  • If you as the leader react from a base of fear, others will follow.

My quick take-aways from the day:

  • Sometimes you just need a different perspective.
  • Who's got you?
  • Make lemons from lemonade!

Our keynote from Alex Boyle was just what the doctor ordered for me! I am sure his message had the same impact on many of you too. His sunflower metaphor couldn't explain the need for conferences like NCE or associations like AASA any better. It is indeed where we draw our energy from – being with each other!

Can't wait for day two with all my fellow sunflowers!

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