The AASA NCE conference begins next week and I am gathering together what I need for it. As I recently moved to South Carolina, where temps are warmer than Vermont this time of year, I think I am set for clothing! Business casual, right? That always goes far and actually packs neatly as well!
Good shoes for lots of walking- I usually try to bring two pairs actually and I avoid heels, personally. There is Soooo much walking to do each day.
A notebook to write ideas, names of people I meet, restaurants and receptions I want to hit, expenses, whatever is needed (and pens also of course).
Business cards come in handy- easier than writing it all out at every vendor table or when I meet new people.
A bag to carry my laptop or tablet with me all day along with chargers for it and for my phone, a wallet, the business cards I remembered to bring, and perhaps a lightweight scarf to wear as a shawl if the conference center or hotel rooms are cold.
My phone- but it goes everywhere with me. I downloaded the app to the phone so I can plan my days using the app- so very convenient! Be sure to set my appointments on central time while I am there.
Include aspirin in the personal kit in case I had too much wine, walked too much or got up too early for a breakfast meeting!
OK, now to check on my airline tickets and get ready to go!
AI in Education: Tools for Small Schools
By Dr. Lance Gibbon At the final keynote of the National Conference on Education, Christian