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Welcome to San Antonio and NCE 2023!

I was honored to represent the great state of Missouri (home of the CHIEFS!) on the governing board as we not only did AASA business such as accepting the audit/financial report but also worked on the legislative agenda as well as the positions and beliefs statement. It is always amazing to hear all that is going on at the national level and keep tabs on what is happening in our region as well.

We heard today that there are almost as many participants at this year's conference as last year, which is amazing! While you are here, enjoy the River Walk and all that comes with being in San Antonio but also stay connected and active! First, make sure that you sign up for this years 5k in the morning of February 16! Whether you are a runner or not, just come out and enjoy seeing all more of the sights. Sign up here:

Also, remember to click on the “conference daily” link to make sure you stay in touch with all that is going on at the conference. Here is the link:

Enjoy the conference and we will see you on the riverwalk!

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