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Federal Policy Wonks Have Array of Program Options at 2020 Confab

Federal Policy Wonks Have Array of Program Options at 2020 Confab

AASA’s Policy and Advocacy Team invites you to join us on a journey through the nitty-gritty details of federal education policy at this year’s AASA national conference in San Diego. We’ve lined up a stream of can’t-miss policy sessions for all considering themselves education wonks. On Thursday, Feb. 13, conference attendees can check out a […]

AASA Federal Relations Luncheon: Money Matters

When you tell a room full of more than 40 superintendents that money matters in public education, you would be, what they call, “preaching to the choir.” But when you show school administrators the cyclical effects of revenue at the state and local levels and the impact it has on shaping school funding realities, you have their attention.

Get Wonky at These Education Policy Sessions

AASA’s policy and advocacy team invites you to journey with them into the weeds of federal education policy at the national conference in Los Angeles. As in past years, there’s a policy strand of can’t-miss sessions taking place.