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Cruz, in AASA Presidential Address, Personalizes the ’24 Conference Theme With Visual Connections to Her Own Family

Two Veteran Superintendents Vie for AASA Presidency

A pair of superintendents in Ohio and California have their eyes on becoming the next president of AASA during an election campaign that kicks off during the association’s 2020 national conference in San Diego.

Contenders for AASA’s Presidency Make Their Public Pitches for Elected Office

The race for the AASA presidency is being contested during the coming three weeks by a pair of veteran school system leaders in Arizona and New York, and both got a chance to put their best foot forward in front of fellow members at the 2nd General Session on Friday morning. The candidates for president-elect […]

Past Presidents Take a Bow in the Limelight

AASA does not overlook an opportunity to recognize those who served as the elected leaders in the past. At the conference’s 2nd General Session on Friday morning, 17 of the past presidents were formally acknowledged at the front of the assembly hall.