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Team building, Texas-size

The role of talent management, from top to bottom, is crucial to the future of success for America's public schools. The competition for leaders has never been more stark. Throughout the week, I’ve been struck by the opportunities to engage with thought leaders about all things related to human resources, which I call talent management. From onboarding to stay interviews, AASPA’s leader Kelly Coash-Johnson and her team are sharing best practices to strengthen your entire organization. Don’t have time at the conference? Connect afterward with AASPA through several of their virtual offerings, including information on pHCLE certification. Consultants at Experience Management Institute have launched online credential programs for leaders at all levels. Emily Douglas-McNab understands that teams need personalized, timely opportunities for flexible skill building across all leadership roles.

The Indian Hill EVSD team took advantage of several sessions dedicated to team culture and leadership development. Thursday’s keynote with leader Stephen Covey is just one of many opportunities to learn about leadership itself. If you’re fortunate enough to learn from leaders like Ohio’s Marlon Styles, you’ll have plenty of takeaways to influence your team after the conference. As Covey says best, “Leaders go first”.

The setting along the San Antonio River Walk provides many informal opportunities to reconnect and center your thoughts. One colleague handed me a book on digital leadership. Another shared his vision for aspiring colleagues. After a full day reflecting with my core teammates, my mission in leadership development of others is reaffirmed. Their future is so important. While we are all #Hereforthekids, we have a responsibility to develop other leaders.

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