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VIDEO: Marie Izquierdo on Her Women’s Leadership Award (0:53)


When I attended Trish Rubin’s Thought Leader session on marketing, I expected to hear best practices related to business. It was refreshing to have a focus on BrandED and to truly unpack our thinking about the story we tell about ourselves.

The Evolution of Education

This is the third time in the last two years that I have heard a presentation by Bill Daggett. Eerily, each time I see Dr. Daggett present, he uses examples of even more sophisticated technology. (What better way to prove his point that change is accelerating!) There was another part of his message today that was different – the focus on mental health. It made his message even more compelling!

Women at the Forefront: Reflections

At the end of the day Friday, I participated in a session about women in leadership positions and gender inequities. Sharing our stories, it was amazing how many women leaders have been coached to not share that they are a parent. Funny, I think being a parent is a huge piece of my leadership of schools full of children. Yet, women still face the bias about this: the fear that women will not be serious about their jobs if they are or aspire to being a mom. Something to think about (and get past).

You are the Storyteller-in-Chief

“Your brand is your image, the promise you make, and the results you envision for your organization.” Never have Trish Rubin’s words resonated more with me. Today at AASA, I encountered content and design thinking  compliments of some very different types of AASA “movers and shakers.”

Contenders for AASA’s Presidency Make Their Public Pitches for Elected Office

The race for the AASA presidency is being contested during the coming three weeks by a pair of veteran school system leaders in Arizona and New York, and both got a chance to put their best foot forward in front of fellow members at the 2nd General Session on Friday morning. The candidates for president-elect […]

A Call to Action: Environmental Sustainability

I followed up on yesterday’s boat trip by attending the session hosted by the Superintendents Environmental Education Collaborative today and learned about how two other school systems bring environmental sustainability into their school district.

Bookworm’s Delight

Every semester, our administrative team participates in a book study, sometimes together with the District Leadership Team or District Walkthrough Cadre and sometimes for administrators exclusively, but always a new book each semester. The topics vary and are targeted toward district initiatives, strategic goals and leadership growth. There was even a semester when administrators were divided into groups, with each group reading different books around “hot topics”.

On the Dock of the Bay

Did you know that an entire ecosystem can be found beneath a dock? Sea anemones, mussels, sponges and barnacles are just a few of the organisms we got to touch during an experiential field trip sponsored by the Superintendents’ Environmental Education Consortium (SEEC).