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Great Conference Resource and Conversations

Great Conference Resource and Conversations

I want to alert you to what is always a little-used, great resource: the presentations link page.  There is often incredible data, insights and information that can greatly benefit your district and your team: The most valuable takeaways for me always come from the conversations with colleagues from across the country.  These last two days […]

AASA Bold Women Breakfast

I had the opportunity to attend the sold-out AASA Bold Women Breakfast. It was keynoted by former Stanford Professor Linda Darling-Hammond, who painted a picture of the role of women educators in the past and what is needed in the future. She shared this longstanding struggle of women in education, sharing that in the earliest […]

Friday’s General Session

It was exciting to see Connecticut superintendent and friend Dr. Mark Benigni be recognized as a tech leader among superintendents.  Mark is doing some amazing work in Meriden personalizing instruction, and the recognition is well deserved.  Congratulations, Mark. I was also very impressed by both of the candidates for the AASA president-elect.  Paul Imhoff of […]

Creating Connections

My conference experience on Thursday had a common theme from start to finish. Students thrive when they are connected to school; students disengage and struggle when they aren’t. And, it is the adults in schools who create the conditions that helps students connect.   This is nothing new to the attendees of NCE and to […]

It’s Not So Bad, Domenech and Gentzel Agree: Voters Support Public Schools

A presidential election year carries a lot of political uncertainty, but school board members and superintendents should take comfort from a recent national poll that shows a majority of likely voters support public schools, the leaders of the AASA and the National School Boards Association said on Friday.