Suburban Oak Park District Details Its Route to Diversifying the Teacher Applicant Pool

Carol Kelley, superintendent of Oak Park Elementary School District 97 in Oak Park, Ill., called for more significant recruitment of racial and ethnic diversity among teachers nationwide at Saturday’s AASA national conference session, “Recruitment and Hiring for Diversity and Equity.”
Keeping Your Community in Mind When Developing a School Safety Plan
School districts need to emphasize the importance of effective school safety practices and evaluate practices that are currently in place.
Pair of Veteran Education Leaders Cited for Distinguished Service at AASA Confab
Two outstanding educators, including the immediate past president of the association, received AASA’s Distinguished Service Award during AASA’s National Conference on Education in San Diego.
Superintendents Who Wrestle (Voluntarily) With the Toughest Dilemmas in School Leadership … on a Saturday Morning
A dozen superintendents willingly subjected themselves to struggling with some of the toughest dilemmas in school system leadership for an hour early Saturday.
When the Going Gets Tough, Stick it Out, Veterans Advise Superintendents

Job longevity for public school superintendents is notoriously short. Three years, on average, is the oft-cited number. But a handful…
Seven Top Graduate Students in Educational Leadership Nab AASA Scholarships
Seven of the nation’s outstanding graduate students in educational administration were feted by AASA, The School Superintendents Association as winners of $2,500 graduate scholarships toward their studies in school system leadership at AASA’s National Conference on Education in San Diego.
Video: Susan Enfield on Responsibility for Promoting Women into Leadership Posts (2:12)

Susan Enfield, superintendent of Highline Public Schools in Washington, encourages fellow school leaders to speak out on behalf of women aspiring for roles in educational leadership in this brief video. Enfield is a 2020 AASA Women in School Leadership honoree, awarded at the National Conference on Education in San Diego.
Panelists Show How the Tech Revolution Pushes Schools to Build New Career-Related Skills

There are four well-known industrial revolutions: the mechanization revolution in Great Britain, focusing on machinery and steam power; the mass production revolution started by assembly lines with Ford and Carnegie; the computer automation revolution of the last few decades, and the current shift to cyber and physical systems with new technology such as 5G.
15th Annual Save The Music Honor Heading to Illinois Superintendent

Keely Roberts, superintendent of Zion Elementary School District 6 in Zion, Ill., has been named the 2020 recipient of the VH-1 Save The Music Foundation’s 15th annual Administrator Award for Distinguished Support of Music Education.
Founder of Mawi Learning, in Closing 2020 Keynote, Urges Superintendents With Demonstrated Energy to ‘See Every Kid’

At the age of 6, Mawi Asgedom arrived in the United States after three years in a Sudan refugee camp and an earlier escape from civil war in his home country of Ethiopia. His immigrant family struggled to survive…