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Guiding Principle from Camhi to Superintendent Colleagues: Tell the Stories of Kids’ Successes

Recognition Awards Presented by Horace Mann League During Annual Luncheon

The Horace Mann League will present several awards at its annual recognition and installation luncheon at 11:45 a.m. on Friday at the Marriott Riverwalk Hotel in San Antonio. The recognitions at the event will be these. Outstanding Friend of Public Education Award: Gary Orfield and Patricia Gándara. They are co-directors of UCLA’s Civil Rights Project […]

Panel Examines Building Resiliency Through the AVID Program

An AASA conference roundtable on resiliency on Thursday examined what collective educator agency looks like in action. The panel took on a conversational tone. Lynn Kepp from AVID first asked Michael Lopes Serrao from Parkrose School District what building resiliency and agency across his school district looks like. He talked about the importance of aligning […]

New Survey of Superintendents Focuses on the State of Mental Health Among Youth

EAB, a research firm in education, used the AASA national conference to release its 2023 Voice of the Superintendent report, which highlights findings from a survey of 198 school district superintendents across 37 states. The survey focused on the state of mental wellness among students. Eighty-one percent of superintendents stated student behavioral concerns are worse […]

Bright Picture Sketched of AASA’s Presence During State-of-the-Association Presentation to Governing Board

David Schuler, the incoming AASA executive director

AASA stands as a fiscally healthy and substantively robust organization, ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead for public education and its leadership. That was the picture painted at Wednesday’s state-of-the-association presentation delivered to AASA’s Governing Board before the start of the 2023 National Conference on Education in San Antonio, Texas. David Schuler, who […]

[Video] Paul Freeman on the Challenges of White Superintendents Confronting Racism in School Communities (3:40)

Paul Freeman, superintendent of Connecticut’s Guilford Public Schools, shares best practices on how white superintendents can learn together about the critical issues of race, racism and equity. Freeman led the session “Personal, Professional and Practical Challenges for White Superintendents Confronting Racism” at AASA’s National Conference on Education in Nashville, Tenn. (Video produced by Selah Oden)