Conference Bookstore Finds New Home in the Exhibit Hall
The conference bookstore, sponsored by Sourcewell, will return for the 2024 National Conference on Education in San Diego. For the first time, the store will be located inside the Exhibit Hall at booth 1428, adjacent to the Social Media Lounge. The reformulated store will stock a select list of 30 book titles at a discounted […]
Conference Bookstore to Stock 220 Titles on Organizational Leadership Plus AASA Merchandise
The conference bookstore at AASA’s 2023 National Conference on Education in San Antonio will carry about 220 works on various aspects of K-12 education, school system leadership and school board/superintendent relations. Offered at discount prices, the books from a variety of publishers will be organized in eight categories, including leadership, conference speakers, focus on kids, […]
Conference Bookstore to Stock 220 Titles on Organizational Leadership Plus AASA Merchandise
The conference bookstore at AASA’s 2022 National Conference on Education in Nashville will carry about 220 works on various aspects of K-12 education and system leadership. Offered at discount prices, the books will be organized in nine categories, including leadership, conference speakers, focus on kids, personal/professional growth, technology/data/media and “Dan’s Discoveries” (reading recommendations from AASA […]
200 Titles Plus AASA Shirts, Ties and Scarves Stocked at Conference Bookstore
AASA’s conference bookstore will feature 200 of the latest titles in educational leadership and student learning. Located in the Hall A lobby near AASA registration, the bookstore will be organized into 10 categories, including district management, technology/social media, student achievement and the recommended reading of AASA Executive Director Dan Domenech. Books written by AASA members […]
The Written Word
I did it again. Yup. Every time I come to NCE, I find myself in the bookstore looking at all that is available. I can spend hours in there (and often do). I tell myself I will just look, maybe list the books I am interested in and order them from home. I tell myself books are heavy for travel and that I don’t need more to add to my bookshelf; I already have so many waiting to be read. I tell myself … and then, I find myself there once again…
Bookworm’s Delight
Every semester, our administrative team participates in a book study, sometimes together with the District Leadership Team or District Walkthrough Cadre and sometimes for administrators exclusively, but always a new book each semester. The topics vary and are targeted toward district initiatives, strategic goals and leadership growth. There was even a semester when administrators were divided into groups, with each group reading different books around “hot topics”.
250 Titles Plus AASA Shirts, Ties and Scarves Stocked at Conference Bookstore
AASA’s conference bookstore will feature 250 of the latest titles in educational leadership and student learning.