Conference Daily Online

AASA's award-winning newsletter, providing daily coverage of events, photos and video clips of the conference.

Their Really Early Start to Conference’s First Day Wasn’t for the Stimulating Content. They Were Seeking a Physical Workout.

Conference’s Fun Run Seeks Signups for Opening Morning Road Workout

Join us for the first “officially official” National Conference on Education Fun Run, which will take place at 6 a.m. on Feb. 15, on the streets around the San Diego Convention Center. Many superintendents in recent years have joined me — an avid runner who tries to run as much, though not as fast, as […]

Conference Fun Run/Walk on First Morning Seeks ‘All Shapes, Sizes and Speeds’

AASA conference participants are invited to participate in the inaugural National Conference on Education Fun Run/Walk beginning at 6:15 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 16. The starting point of the five-kilometer course is just outside the Grand Hyatt Hotel San Antonio Riverwalk in San Antonio at 600 East Market St. There is no charge, but you […]

Twenty Early-Risers Take to Nearby Streets for Fun Run

What was dubbed the first “Officially Unofficial NCE Fun Run” attracted 20 early-rising superintendents (and a few AASA staff members) for a jaunt around the streets of the Los Angeles Convention Center on Friday.