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[Video] How to Build a Community Partnership Between a School District and Faith Leaders (3:37)

Early Learning Gains Late Focus as Subject on Final Day of AASA Conference

The future of education can be so much more than just K-12 but further expanded to P-20, meaning the teaching and nurturing of children from birth to adulthood. A two-person panel spoke about the importance of starting children in an early education setting at their session “Learn What the Future of Education Can Become with Early […]

Still Time to Turn Around Teacher Shortage While Conditions Are ‘Bending But Not Yet Broken,’ Conference Panel Reports

man listening while woman speaks

Strategies for teacher recruitment and retention, a growing concern among school leaders across the nation, were discussed in a Saturday session at the National Conference on Education in San Antonio. Sy Doan, associate policy researcher at RAND Corp. in Santa Monica, Calif., was accompanied by Alena Zachery-Ross, superintendent of Ypsilanti Community Schools in Michigan. The […]

[Video] Teacher Recruitment and Retention (2:32)

In this session, a Michigan superintendent offered attendees advice on providing a quality teacher workforce that improves the educational opportunities for all students. This story was produced by Silas Bryant at the 2023 AASA Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Read more.