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In 1st General Session Keynote, Artificial Intelligence Proponent Asks School Leaders to Embrace an ‘Augmented Tomorrow’

In 1st General Session Keynote, Artificial Intelligence Proponent Asks School Leaders to Embrace an ‘Augmented Tomorrow’

Augmented eyeglasses in the classroom. Computer-generated art. The future is coming fast because of new advancements in artificial intelligence, and school districts have to be ready for these new technologies. That was the message AI visionary Abran Maldonado delivered at Thursday’s AASA keynote at the 1st general session titled “Gen AI: How to Prepare Today’s […]

[Video] AASA Health & Wellness Center (1:20)

When a recharge is needed during the convention, the Live Well. Lead Well. Health & Wellness Center has fun and relaxing ways dedicated to relaxing. This story was produced by AB Ross at the 2024 Conference in San Diego, Calif.