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Fun Run and Fitness Options at AASA’s National Conference

Fun Run and Fitness Options at AASA’s National Conference

For most of the year, Noelle Ellerson Ng oversees AASA’s advocacy and governance work. But during the week of AASA’s national conference, she assumes added duty to ensure fitness opportunities for early risers. Two fitness activities are slated during conference week in San Diego. Those interested are to complete an NCE 2020 Fun Run form […]

Video: AASA President Deb Kerr on Raising the Voices of Superintendents (2:05)

Deborah Kerr, who is serving as the 2019-20 president of AASA, The School Superintendents Association, shares why it’s so important for the voices of superintendents to be heard by federal, state and local policymakers. In this two-minute video, she also talks about the key conversations she has with other school system leaders throughout the country during the AASA Governing Board meeting in San Diego. Kerr is the superintendent of the Brown Deer School District in Brown Deer, Wis.

Eadie Shares Strategies to Build a High-Functioning Board in a Pre-Convention Workshop

Seldom are school board members the problem with governance in a school district, said Doug Eadie at Wednesday’s AASA preconference workshop titled “Cementing the School Board-Superintendent Governing Partnership.” The root of a problem relationship between superintendent and board of education, he said, “could be the culture or [the need for structure] on working together.” Eadie, […]

Life is a Beach

As my wife Susie and I drove Pacific Coast Highway 1 today, I couldn’t help but feel rejuvenated, inspired and more motivated than ever to be me. It wasn’t because of the sunshine and the ocean breeze, though I freely admit that always helps.

What’s on the Back of Your Card?

It’s tragic that due to flight schedules, the Closing General Session causes many attendees to miss out on some of the best speakers of each year’s National Conference on Education.

The Written Word

I did it again. Yup. Every time I come to NCE, I find myself in the bookstore looking at all that is available. I can spend hours in there (and often do). I tell myself I will just look, maybe list the books I am interested in and order them from home. I tell myself books are heavy for travel and that I don’t need more to add to my bookshelf; I already have so many waiting to be read. I tell myself … and then, I find myself there once again…