Conference Daily Online

AASA's award-winning newsletter, providing daily coverage of events, photos and video clips of the conference.

Still Time to Turn Around Teacher Shortage While Conditions Are ‘Bending But Not Yet Broken,’ Conference Panel Reports

Still Time to Turn Around Teacher Shortage While Conditions Are ‘Bending But Not Yet Broken,’ Conference Panel Reports

man listening while woman speaks

Strategies for teacher recruitment and retention, a growing concern among school leaders across the nation, were discussed in a Saturday session at the National Conference on Education in San Antonio. Sy Doan, associate policy researcher at RAND Corp. in Santa Monica, Calif., was accompanied by Alena Zachery-Ross, superintendent of Ypsilanti Community Schools in Michigan. The […]

DC School Leader on Advancing Education Equity through Anti-Racist Roadmap

Brenda (Bren) Elliott, chief of school improvement and support with the District of Columbia Public Schools, said she comes from a lineage of African American, European and Indigenous people. She admits her diversity is her strength. She told her story in a Saturday conference session, “Getting to Educational Equity.” Born incredibly poor, Elliott said she […]

Illinois District Shares Its Cost-Efficient Moves to Electric School Buses in Rural Region

Working with utility companies could minimize the cost of purchasing and maintaining electric school buses, panelists said Friday during a session at the National Conference on Education in San Antonio.  Andreas Edmondson, superintendent of Hardin County Schools in Illinois,  and Duncan McIntyre of Highland Fleets, a maker of electric school buses based in Beverly, Mass., […]

Systemwide Agency Can Be Used to Amplify Student Agency

How does student agency relate to college and career readiness? Michelle Whitney, superintendent of Pasco School District 1 in Washington, and Robi Cole, AVID associate area director for the Pacific Northwest, engaged participants at an AASA conference roundtable Friday morning with examples of the impact of their student agency work. They repeatedly noted their work […]

[Video] Building an Employee-Centered District (2:20)

This session with Georgette Warnock explored how superintendents can re-engage teachers and make their districts a top destination for those with the capacity and desire to help students grow. This story was produced by Silas Bryant at the 2023 AASA Conference in San Antonio, Texas.

Creating a Happiness Advantage to Educators Brings Positive Results to an Iowa School System

man in front of presentation with colorful cartoon frogs

Joel Pedersen, superintendent of the Cardinal Community School District in Iowa, exudes excitement when he talks about his eight-year implementation of the Happiness Advantage in his school system. Pedersen first learned about the Happiness Advantage from AASA. His district was subsequently featured by Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage, in his keynote address at […]