Conference Daily Online

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Team building, Texas-size

Team building, Texas-size

The role of talent management, from top to bottom, is crucial to the future of success for America’s public schools. The competition for leaders has never been more stark. Throughout the week, I’ve been struck by the opportunities to engage with thought leaders about all things related to human resources, which I call talent management. […]

Cheeseburgers In Paradise With Friends!

Being from Maine, I don’t get a chance to get out to a Margaritaville Restaurant very often, let alone with a great group of colleagues. When Andrew Boyle talked about “sunflowers” yesterday – this is the type of thing he meant. It isn’t all about budgets or school board meetings or that next levy/bond for […]

Inspirational Keynote: Alex Boyé

The keynote is always a great time to see other colleagues, celebrate award winners and learn new ideas ending with an inspirational speaker. Yesterday’s session did not disappoint. As usual, I was multitasking throughout and started to leave when Alex Boyé came on stage, or rather, danced to the stage! The tune was catchy, the […]

What NOT To Do…..

I enjoyed the superintendent panel presentation at the Social Media Lounge today (Feb 16). The tips on what NOT to do on social media, along with ways to use social media to tell your story were excellent. Shared by a group of 6 or 7 superintendents or their staff, simple tips were practical and real. […]

Breakfast celebration

What a great start to day 2 of the conference! I was able to attend the Missouri Association of School Administrators breakfast where we learned from AASA advocacy director Sasha Pudelski (@SPudelski). Part of our jobs as leaders in public education is to pay attention to what is happening at the federal level and be […]

What a day!!

First full day in the books and what an amazing experience. I hope that all of you enjoyed the day of learning. The overarching theme this year, besides tremendous support of public education, is one of hope. There were so many wonderful sessions but if you have not had an opportunity to participate in a […]