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[Video] School System Leaders Applaud AASA’s 2023 National Conference on Education (3:45)

DC School Leader on Advancing Education Equity through Anti-Racist Roadmap

Brenda (Bren) Elliott, chief of school improvement and support with the District of Columbia Public Schools, said she comes from a lineage of African American, European and Indigenous people. She admits her diversity is her strength. She told her story in a Saturday conference session, “Getting to Educational Equity.” Born incredibly poor, Elliott said she […]

Student-Run Manufacturing Business Detailed as Basis of a Re-Engineered Indiana High School

Brown County High School in Nashville, Ind., has around 550 students. Emily Tracy, the district’s superintendent, said the school is truly focused on making sure students are well prepared after graduation. Tracy and her team presented at the “Re-Engineering Schools” session at the AASA National Conference on Education on Friday in San Antonio, Texas. “It’s […]

Illinois District Shares Its Cost-Efficient Moves to Electric School Buses in Rural Region

Working with utility companies could minimize the cost of purchasing and maintaining electric school buses, panelists said Friday during a session at the National Conference on Education in San Antonio.  Andreas Edmondson, superintendent of Hardin County Schools in Illinois,  and Duncan McIntyre of Highland Fleets, a maker of electric school buses based in Beverly, Mass., […]

Systemwide Agency Can Be Used to Amplify Student Agency

How does student agency relate to college and career readiness? Michelle Whitney, superintendent of Pasco School District 1 in Washington, and Robi Cole, AVID associate area director for the Pacific Northwest, engaged participants at an AASA conference roundtable Friday morning with examples of the impact of their student agency work. They repeatedly noted their work […]